Frequently Asked Questions.

  • A Foot Care Nurse is a professional who has obtained additional, specialized training in the care and treatment of 'routine' foot care problems.

  • ► Reduce nail length
    ► Reduce nail thickness
    ► Reduce or remove corns, callus
    ► Remove the ingrown part of nail, if needed
    ► Moisturize the skin with lotion

    All-in-all, we are here to help you with basic, 'routine' foot care needs. We can handle the thickest, longest toenails and the roughest, toughest corns and calluses. We do not do pedicures (no soaks, polish or sparkles).

  • No. A Foot Care Nurse does not replace a Podiatrist or Medical Doctor, but works collaboratively in understanding the best practice protocols and procedures for a client. If an Independent client presents with a condition that is outside the scope of practice of the FCN, they will be assisted in pursuing an appropriate referral. If the client is in Assisted Living or Memory Care, the FCN will generate a progress form and discuss notable findings with the appropriate facility health staff.

    Our focus is the safety, health & comfort of the client, from a medical foundation.

  • ► Take a brief history of underlying disease, foot health, current medications
    ► Examine foot structure, foot health, circulation and skin care issues
    ► Assess footwear
    ► Provide ongoing foot care education to the client
    ► As a foot care specialist, I make it my mission to provide safe, appropriate and beneficial foot care to my clients; while working collaboratively with team members, health care providers and other disciplines.

  • Nurses who achieve certification, commit to a national standard of professional competence that demonstrates their understanding of Basic and Advanced care in the area of foot care nursing practice.

  • Proper, regular foot care is essential in helping seniors maintain mobility & an active lifestyle; it reduces the risk of pain & immobility associated with delayed foot care; and promotes a sense of well-being and independence. Regular, proper foot care can positively impact the fall risk factor (foot wear & foot care)

  • Most instances this is an out-of-pocket expense and insurance does not cover the service. If there is medical necessity with qualifying diagnoses, we are able to bill most major insurance companies. Call to see if your insurance applies.

  • To schedule your appointment, give us a call today at 605-770-8320.